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3.57 / 5

User rating: 3.57

Based on 112 votes and 36 reviews

  • User rating: 3.57 53.57%
  • User rating: 3.57 3.57%
  • User rating: 3.57 8.93%
  • User rating: 3.57 14.29%
  • User rating: 3.57 19.64%

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Showing 1 to 36 of 36

User review rating: 2 January 30, 2025

Flat and added nothing interesting to the Dracula story.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2025

Silly, contrived, but looks good. I walked out too after 30 mins. Pass

User review rating: 5 January 28, 2025

laughing my tatas off at the haters who don't get how preciously and devotedly camp this take from maestro eggboi is... gorgeous, numerological, deeply aesthetic! get into it sis

User review rating: 3 January 14, 2025

Higher rating on the gore factor. Sex scenes were awful ,suspense was ok.It was very dark in terms of lighting. At over 2hrs seemed to drag on. Excellent horror for teens . Will be a classic one day

User review rating: 5 January 14, 2025

This movie will be a classic some day. Who cares what the jump scare junkies want to see. I loved this movie.

User review rating: 1 January 13, 2025

Walked out after half an hour

User review rating: 1 January 12, 2025

Some scenes looked good but most were too dark to see . Way too long of a movie without any real payoff . Vampire wasn’t anything special , overall a let down and most of the theatre felt the same way .

User review rating: 5 January 10, 2025

I loved this take.

User review rating: 3 January 09, 2025

Nice creep factor, nice sets/dress, fun

User review rating: 1 January 08, 2025

Oh my god I have to comment on a review posted below. It reviews (and absurdly pans) the original NOSFERATU, one of the best films ever made and easily the best German film ever. The reviewer tries to make his or herself seem smart but they just expose their own idiocy and extremely bad taste. And try posting your review on the actual page of the film you're reviewing, ya friggin' imbecile! My God, people are so goddamn stupid!

User review rating: 5 January 07, 2025

I never go by anyone’s opinions or reviews about movies. I go watch the movie and make my own opinions and I loved this movie!

User review rating: 1 January 06, 2025

Do yourself a favour and don't see this movie. I think it's getting good reviews because the reviewers are in denial about it being a good movie. It was way too long and boring. If 30 - 40 mins was removed from the runtime, it would have been so much better. Although the cinematography and acting were good, the story and editting were just terrible. That's why I gave it one star. Another reason not to go is that it's a remake of an old movie, which was a copy of the Dracula story with some minor changes. Francis Ford Coppola's, Braham Stoker's Dracula, is a much better movie which is actually based on the book.

User review rating: 3 January 05, 2025

I thought this movie was more like demonic possession than a vampire movie. Maybe one of each. Not bad acting was excellent!! Very gorry in places.

User review rating: 2 January 05, 2025

I wish I could say that my recent foray into the world of Nosferatu was a pleasant one. This cinematic relic, which many critics dub a "masterpiece" of silent horror, is little more than an overrated snooze-fest that should have stayed buried in the annals of film history. First, let's address the visuals. Nosferatu was groundbreaking in its time, but now its outdated special effects and laughable makeup work only elicit groans. Count Orlok, the titular "monster," looks less like a fearsome vampire and more like a Halloween costume gone terribly wrong. It's hard to be frightened when the main antagonist resembles a rodent with a bad case of rabies. The acting? Don't get me started. The exaggerated facial expressions and over-the-top body movements are par for the course in silent films, but Nosferatu takes it to a whole new level of absurdity. The cast seems more suited for a vaudeville show than a horror movie, their performances an unintentional parody of terror. And the plot—dear lord, the plot. It drags on and on, with endless scenes of nothingness that feel like cinematic filler. The story is a disjointed mess, lacking cohesion and compelling character development. We’re left with a series of disjointed events that fail to build any real tension or suspense. As for the film’s supposed "artistic" elements, like the use of shadow and light, they come off as pretentious and heavy-handed. What might have been innovative in the 1920s now feels like a desperate attempt to distract viewers from the movie’s glaring deficiencies. In conclusion, Nosferatu is a relic that should remain in the past, a film that has aged about as well as a forgotten can of sardines. Those who champion its merits are merely clinging to nostalgia, unable to see this cinematic corpse for what it truly is—a tedious, uninspired bore.

User review rating: 2 January 05, 2025

Saw the movie lastnight with high expectations of a good horror movie but within 10 mins I was laughing and rolling my eyes. The movie really tries but it falls so flat - the villian has the voice of darth vader, fingers of ET, and dialect of Lord of the Rings - Sauron. It is boring, long, and painful to watch - I was yearning for the end so that I could go home.

User review rating: 4 January 04, 2025

Very dark movie..i don't think you see the sun until around the end of the movie. It's a love story between a women and a monster. The monster has a pretty good wing man too. They get tired of one club because everybody knows them there so they look for another club. They bring all there ratty friends with them and caused havock. The monster falls in love..shes the only blood he wants to drink. Ha ha. She screws around with him..moral of story Don't fall in love. The end

User review rating: 2 January 03, 2025

Long ,boring and hard to see . The vampire looked more like the inspector Clouseau character from the pink Panther cartoon than he did Nosferatu. Better than the witch but not by much .

User review rating: 0 January 01, 2025


User review rating: 1 January 01, 2025


User review rating: 1 December 31, 2024

Poor contiunuity, editors need to go back to school...needs a rewrite. Sorry gang, you messed up on this one.

User review rating: 3 December 30, 2024

Overall a visually stunning movie, loved the cinematography of it all. As the title says it is like an Ang Lee film but horror, stunning but slow moving. The actors weren't bad I like most of them but just seemed like a flat delivery.

User review rating: 5 December 30, 2024

Loved this movie.

User review rating: 5 December 29, 2024

Out with the old & in with the new. A lot of people tend to like the same typical/boring Hollywood stereotypical crap. This was visually fantastic and just great watch overall.

User review rating: 5 December 28, 2024

Great acting and an unusual plot- not just an old vampire movie - was perhaps one of the best movies I've seen this past month- I was super surprised and hung thru every minute of this movie - it was creepy not scarry but for all horror fans - GO SEE IT

User review rating: 5 December 28, 2024

Beautifully shot and a great film overall

User review rating: 5 December 28, 2024

I like it. I think people may have thought there would be jump scares. Some people want to just watch the same movies all the time. Most movies are made for dopes.

User review rating: 1 December 28, 2024

A total bomb not worth your time

User review rating: 3 December 27, 2024

So I took 2 stars away because its false advertising and it's only good looking. Not much else. Not original. Nice directing, pacing, thrilling, exciting visuals. Its like Bram Stokers Dracula remix for 2024 on speed. Ironically its about 24 minutes too long. They repeated a few types of scenes that didn't need to be repeated. This movie could have been edited down to 90 minutes. Now the false advertising is "Nosferatu". This is NOT Nosferatu. This Is NOT Orlock. This is Zombie Vlad Tepes!!! And the really ruins the movie for me. If this was an honest movie it would have called itself Bram Stokers Dracula (2024). Visually it achieved its goal of being an homage to Francis Ford Coppola and his stunning 1992 hit "Bram stokers Dracula". But this movie lacked the soundtrack of that film, the story, and originality. This was Hollywood's big chance to make Orlock his OWN creature with a different back story than Dracula. And they FAILED to the ultimate extreme. They went out of their way to not only not do anything different, but they flat out COPIED Vlad Tepes classic look making this closer to the novel Dracula than most classic films. I absolutely despise the fact that they gave us Dracula instead of Orlock and merely changed his name to Orlock. Orlock has a distinct appearance and looks nothing like Dracula in every other iteration on earth! But these DUMB creators thought it was a great idea to forsake the classic Orlock and just force us to witness a sad re-named derivative of Dracula with Vlad Tepes face. Romania should sue this film for making their historic hero into an ugly zombie. At least every other movie shows him returning to his youth and sexy glory. In summary: 1) its not nosferatu! Its Dracula. AGAIN (Visually should have looked like Orlock from 1922) 2) It has no unique soundtrack with 0 memorable themes of any kind 3) no real story just good acting and visually stunning 4) too long by about 2o minutes at least.

User review rating: 1 December 27, 2024

This was basaad

User review rating: 5 December 27, 2024

It was good, but the late 70's version is the best.

User review rating: 2 December 26, 2024

Whether you watch it on a plane or may need both, a paper bag, and a pillow!

User review rating: 5 December 26, 2024

My sense is the 1922 OEM is still the best.

User review rating: 5 December 26, 2024

ppl are dumb here lol Great movie, Oscar winning for sure

User review rating: 1 December 26, 2024

Another failure from Marvel.

User review rating: 5 December 25, 2024

I like the story was better defined and explained then previous versions. Great actors and scenes. I recommend seeing this movie if you have seen other movies on Count Dracula.

User review rating: 2 December 25, 2024

More vampire, less , iratating British accents,by the fithteenth pray thee well , it's Germany, people, and we have a director that needs to bring us to an emithany , with loud music and jump scares , like every 12 minutes. Just to tell us,a dry, unhappy , retelling of Edwardian repression. Like all Eggers movies , sad , dry ,I would never see it twice. Some donkey clapped at the end solo, like fart you want to take back at a party.wanted more ,and it was Christmas.

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