Based on 266 votes and 90 reviews
Would have been better if more factually accurate on who wrote the famous line "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall".... it was not Dana Rohrabacher (as indicated in the movie).... it was Peter Robinson.
Dennis Quaid did a great job portraying Reagan. Penelope Ann Miller also great as Nancy Reagan in showing how supportive and protective she was of Reagan. The movie glossed over some of the challenges Reagan ignored (e.g., the AIDS crisis and the slow response). On the other hand it captured well Reagan's dry sense of humor and ability to work across the aisle - and the reasons for his landslide victory vs President Carter ("Are you better off than you were four years ago?"). I have read in some of the comments criticism of Reagan opening up global trade to the detriment of American manufacturing, but that trend, particularly with NAFTA really took off 4 years or so after Reagan (and Bush) left office under President Clinton.
Quaid plays Regan great. Was cool to see the reasons President Reagan had the beliefs he did and how important he was to ending the cold war
Really enjoyed the movie! Trevor Donovan was great as John Barletta
My parents loved President Reagan and said he was a man of integrity, had a backbone of steel and was good for the American economy and national security. I had to see the movie. I was not disappointed. It was a great love story Reagan was known for his dry sense of humor. Dennis Quaid did a great character study.
My parents loved President Reagan and said he was a man of integrity, had a backbone of steel and was good for the American economy and national security. I had to see the movie. I was not disappointed. It was a great love story Reagan was known for his dry sense of humor. Dennis Quaid did a great character study.
My parents loved President Reagan and said he was a man of integrity, had a backbone of steel and was good for the American economy and national security. I had to see the movie. I was not disappointed. It was a great love story Reagan was known for his dry sense of humor. Dennis Quaid did a great character study.
Such a great historical reminder of a great man and president and the trials faced by those called by God for His purposes for such a time...
Great acting that brought back alot of good memories about a time when we had exceptional leadership in Pres Ronald Regan!
This movie was phenomenal! You laugh, you cry, you are amazed by the man and the close bond between Reagan and his beloved Nancy. You will also learn some things (will not spoil). He was a great man and a great President. I wished for a return of the '80's.
Biography of President Ronald Reagan featured struggles and triumphs, from Reagan’s formative years to end of life. The story behind great moments of his Presidency came to life, particularly his bold leadership statement: “Mr. Gorbachev, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!” And, the wall did indeed quickly came down. Dennis Quaid, Jon Voight, Kevin Sorbo, et al performance and excellent cinematography brought the Reagan Era back to life for ~ 2 hours, and evoked a renewed patriotic spirit for those who love America.
Dennis Quaid captured the humor and yet relentless warrior that Reagan was. Bring plenty of Kleenex
So many memories.
A stirring evocation of a patriot's life. Reagan struggled in his early life with his Dad's alcoholism and resulting fecklessness, but his devoted Christian mother kept things going, instilled faith and loved her sons and husband. I would have loved more on Reagan's vigorous routing of the Communists from screen union(s) during his Hollywood years. And the strategic alliance with Maggie Thatcher was short-shrifted. But how much of an event-filled life can you cram in? His accomplishments are protean- crushing the Iron Curtain, restoring faith in America, turning back to prosperity. Great job by Dennis Quaid and Penelope Ann Miller as Ronnie and Nancy. The film's art direction, sets and costumes were superb, as the settings shift from Illinois, to California, Moscow, Iceland, the White House, his beloved ranch. WARNING- SPOILER AHEAD-- The final scenes, when, years after leaving office, he must face the onset of Alzheimer's, are indescribably moving. Reagan's last ride with his horse over the ranch, while Bob Dylan performs "Don't Fence Me In", and Clint Black warbles "Country Roads, Take Me Home", is beautifully done. All the while Dennis Quaid, in character as Reagan, reads his famous letter to the country, in which he simply and honestly discloses his condition, and expresses his optimism and belief in America.
When politicians from both parties put America first.
This movie is presenting Reagan’s life through rose colored glasses. It fails to present his multiple policy failures while serving for eight years just one of those failures being the massive failure of his “trickle down” economics which did nothing for the middle class or the poor. By eliminating huge taxes on corporations and expecting those resulting profits to be “passed down” to the people the people who benefitted at the top just bought more yachts. Just exactly what is happening today with Trump’s tax cuts for the rich while he was in office. And will continue if he is allowed to try that again. More yachts ! So this movie is lacking a lot of the facts of Reagan’s terms in office.
Having lived thru his terms in office as my Cmdr in Chief, I thought I wouldn’t learn anything new, but I was wrong. The his biopic story is told from the perspective of a Soviet Spy & revealed fascinating behind the scenes detail of his personal journey & challenges from which he became one of America’s greatest Presidents as wonderfully told, written, directed & superbly portrayed in a film worthy of Oscar nominations.
Every middle and high school student should be scheduled to watch this movie in their government/history classes.
True Patriot story of our Country before the decline due to the last 4 years of Marxist rule.
Learned a bit about the history of Reagan. I so enjoyed the lifelong love story. Actors were amazing in their roles.
I recall how ugly the press was toward the Reagans, so it was interesting to see a positive portrayal of their relationship. Loved the viewpoint of a Russian telling Reagan's youth and backstory. Yes, it is pro-Reagan, and he should be credited with his "Strategic Defense Initiative" and tearing down the Berlin wall. He had guts; what a president should have.
It was a joy watching history unfold before our eyes. A must see for history buffs and Americans who love freedom!
S**tty movie
Fantastic movie.
Must watch for by every govt class
This captured the man - his mistakes, and his heart. Wonderful and timely movie. We need another leader like him.
Great timing before the election to show the contrast between a good president and a pathetic one!
Big Shock, the liberalist movie critics (how is that even a job LOL???) disliked it but 98% of the viewers loved it, as I did. It's great to watch movies about Americans who loved this country as much a President Reagan did and I would say Randy Quaid does as well. No wokeness, no liberal cultural conditioning, just a great movie that tells a story. Hopefully movies will go back to that again instead of trying to constantly preach and condition leftist ideologies to the masses. And as ticket sales plummet for the majority of woke movies, the masses are taking a stand by not wasting their money on that garbage. Kudos to the production company, director and amazing cast for having the guts to tell a story about a simple man and wonderful woman who ended up doing amazing things in their lifetime while protecting this great nation.
Gave the back history about his childhood. Informative and intertaining. Made me proud to be an American. Not blasted with wokeness a major plus.
I went to see this movie twice in the first week. I remember Reagan well and all the controversy with him then as with Trump now. I loved it. Very well portrayed by Dennis Quaid and Penelope Ann Miller! A must see!!
This is a great viewpoint on the Reagan presidency. He was a great man with integrity, good morals and values. These are not seen much today in US politicians. He really cared about America! I am ashamed that Hollywood is so progressive, liberal, and many ways evil in the movies it produces these days. The "expert" reviewers are going along with this agenda so please trust the viewers ratings for all movies these days.
actors portrayal was great. being reminded of all he faced, and comparing to how these issues are handled now
Loved this movie, best one we've seen in a very long time. The cast, the settings, the history of it all. Brings back some memories of the amazing and extraordinary things that have happened in our lifetime to bring us to where we are today. Five stars all around.
The actors were great, the story was incredible. We need another reagen
It's an amazing historical recap with brilliant performances by everyone! The casting is great!
Totally awesome movie.
Great movie showing the life of President Reagan. He did a lot of amazing things for our country.
Garbage...couldnt wait until it was over. Boring as hell. Reagan fell asleep during hosting another leader at the White House. I fell asleep watching his movie. Someone's writing 5 stars reviews over and over...this was not the best movie ever in my estimation. Brainwashed Americans.... country and leaders can't do anything wrong
i enjoyed the movie and am a liberal who see the movie as a political ad. if you see the world through rose colored glasses you will love this movie. Prisident Reagan was great for the upper social economic class America but was detrimental to the middle class and the poor. He was successful in foreign relations which was very good. I personally like the programs put forth by FDR - Reagan did his best to hobble those programs which started the ball rolling to where we are today. The movie glossed over these realities.
It’s obvious the low rankings are from liberals who wouldn’t be caught dead watching it.
The best part of this dismal movie, it had a week run, and is now gone, only to be played in church basements, the day I saw the movie, there was only three people, I knew something was up , when Kevin Sorbbo, popped up. I will watch anything but these Christian producers need to get better material and try being honest.
Dennis Quaid played Reagan well, I’m sure he enjoyed playing the part since he is a die-hard Republican endorsing the most contemptible,corrupt, uneducated felon who unfortunately conned the uneducated trumpie masses into believing every lie he told and continues to tell. I disagree that Reagan was anywhere close to the best President we’ve had in this century. I will say he served with dignity though and had respect for the office he held. And he honored the Constitution unlike the moron who is running now and thinks he is above the law.
Showed Reagan and his and Nancy's undying love for each other. Brought back great memories of Margaret Thatcher, Gorbachev, etc. I looked at my wife and said its gotta be a great movie cause the critics all hate it. I was right. Go see it! Great movie. Critics just hate Reagan.
Yet another film designed to convince Americans that they're the heroes saving the world, while conveniently ignoring the destruction of industries, the overthrow of governments, and leaving people jobless and homeless. It's apparently acceptable when it happens to socialist countries. Americans always know what's best for others.
I loved everything about the movie, the history of his years in office, the way he handled the Russians---That is how a Pres. of the USA should be. Stand for what is right- the Constitution and the 10 Commandments. He kept the world out of war. God Bless Him!
A very good movie about arguably the best president of the 20th century. Dennis Quaid did a believable rendition of Reagan and the movie hit upon most of the important parts of Reagan's life. Liberals of course will pan the movie, if they bothered to go see it at all. And of course they will never agree that Reagan, second only to Franklin Roosevelt as the greatest president of the 20th century, was an outstanding person and president.
This is the best movie I have seen in a long time. Dennis Quad plays Ronald Reagan to a tee.
Great historical perspective of a great man, with many parallels to modern day America.
Not only an enlightening look at history but an insightful portrayal of our current time.