Planet Earth : Shallow Seas 4-D Experience

Planet Earth : Shallow Seas 4-D Experience Movie Poster

Shallow Seas 4-D Experience explores some of the world's richest coral reefs and shallow coastal waters.

In this 15-minute epic 4-D adventure, hear the power of the ocean's waves as they crash along the shoreline, and feel the salty spray as you surf the coast with Atlantic bottlenose dolphins in search of food. Glide alongside a cast of balletic sea lions as they dive through vast swirling bait balls of anchovy, and track a mother humpback whale and her calf as they navigate from their tropical nursery to the Arctic Circle. Experience the greatest gathering of seabirds and whales ever captured in Digital HD.

Sense the pressure, feel the perils and smell the triumph as you celebrate Earth as never before in Planet Earth: Shallow Seas 4-D Experience.

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